Our Cozy Bed Nook Under the Eaves in the Snug!
This post was created in partnership with Leesa We have two guest beds in
our home, one is its own small bedroom and the other two are in the Snug! I
Postal strike
The Postal strike continues. No Christmas cards are going out or coming in
this year.
While I am saving $$, the Post Office is losing $$. Either way, sa...
Friday favorites & some exciting news!
*Hello and happy Friday my friends!*
*I have some very exciting news to share with you all, so be sure to read
this post in it's entirety. *
*I am going...
Leftovers à la française
In the family, we rapidly nicknamed my mother “la reine des restes” (the
queen of leftovers) because she’d make a point of keeping every scrap of
food, kee...
Buketter på Sofiero
Denna bukett och flera andra visades på Sofiero på den stora
trädgårdsfesten 2019. Den här sidan kommer att stängas ner snart, varmt
välkommen på min n...
Le weekend de notre POP UP approche ...
*Venez nous rejoindre avec d'autres artistes et créateurs/céatrices :*
SAMEDI 14 Avril de 14H-20H et
*French Larkspur Group Tour:*
Vintage shopping plus a guided tour
of some of the most beautiful villages in the world
*Provence, France*
Hosted by...
Save pdf smaller size mac online
High image quality, bring your ideas to life save pdf smaller size mac
online beautiful presentations. and instantly got the shrunken file!
Although the de...
Dịch vụ Chụp ảnh Kỷ yếu
Mình thấy nhiều trường nhiều lớp tấp nập đi chụp ảnh kỷ yếu rồi đó lớp bạn
đã chụp chưa !!! Vậy là chỉ còn vài tháng nữa thôi là chúng ta sẽ tạm thời
rời ...
Early autumn
A few eventful months later, and I am slowly beginning to realize autumn is
very near.
I am extremely happy with the beautiful weather we have had and st...
Custom Wedding Invitations
My brother, Alex is getting married this summer and my soon-to-be,
sister-in-law, Kayla asked me to make them some custom wedding invitations.
I don't do c...
November issue of Jeanne d'Arc Living magazine
Lots of Holiday Inspiration!
We have ordered extras because we know from previous years,
that the last 2 issues are very popular.
You can secure your co...
Fall Show
The Fall Premier Show at
Monticello Antique Marketplace
is in full swing!
Here are some photos of our
Worthy Goods Space.
If you live in the Port...
{ A Three Day Escape to an Imaginary Life }
Join us for an amazing creative adventure...
Round Top Texas - Spring 2014
Cool Vintage Goods...
from our recent trip to
Round Top - Texas
- spring 2014 -
now available in our ...
It was trul...
Hello 2013
2013 once again brings a fresh new beginning for Tarte.
My shoppe in Aurora is now CLOSED
and I am excited for what the future brings.
A little hiat...
Farewell ...
My dear friends ...
It is with a mixture of melancholia and unexpected relief that I announce
my extended sabbatical from my beloved blog and decorating ...
From The Heart - 2012 BH Lineup!
*(image courtesy of TheFancyFarmgirl.com)*
As the date gets closer to our 5th Annual Vintage & Antique Marketplace,
Joe and I have been reminiscing about ...
Deeper Well
My GOD she's bloggin! Yes kids it's me, finally peeking my head out from
under the blanket of midwinter. It's been cold and dark and miserable here,
not j...
Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend....
* Or at least that's what they say!*
From a very young age I recall always looking forward to going over to my
grandmas house. She was just the best and alw...
1 comment:
I wish I had a million dollars to buy everything she paints!!! ;)
xoxo Jenny
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