I am facinated with vintage photos. It breaks my heart to see photos at a garage sale, ebay, antique stores, etc. I wonder where are the family of these folks? Why aren't these old pictures a family treasure? These are forgotten lost souls.
I put together a collection of these photos and purposely blurred them to make it look like they were a fading memory. They were lost and looking for someone that would love them again. One group of the photos I put behind panes of glass on a huge old window. Souls looking into the world of the living. Wanting to be remembered again.
This is spectacular! That's just how i feel! I can't stop buying them because they do speak to me. I love all of them and look at them often. That's a great idea abou the window pane. I call dibs on the library card holder!! That is until I see the others and want them too:) Thank you for you sweet comments. This blogging world is such a real sorce of community for me. I love being around others who share my interests. Have a wonderful Friday Katherine!
Good Gracious!! Forgive my spelling errors! Too early and the coffee hasn't kicked in yet:) Jamie
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